An Argentine laboratory founded more than 30 years ago. A company committed to the medical community, being able to offer quality, reliable and accessible products. The medical and pharmaceutical corps are the focus of our activity, the reason for our daily work, the key to our constant growth.
Solidity and Transparency are the most important values of our company. Solidity translates into robust products and forms of processing, and quality assurance over time. Transparency is reflected in our commercial and promotional actions and in the maximum respect for the regulatory norms that govern our activity.
PROGRAM COMMITMENT TO ADHERENCE “only drugs that are taken correctly are effective”. Achieving this accessibility is an institutional objective that governs and defines the decisions to be taken in the production and marketing of our products. That is why we offer quality products that the patient can acquire and thus comply with the medical prescription. ALL OUR PRODUCTS ARE TACC FREE “Excellent for what they have and better for what they do not have.” The knowledge of celiac disease has led us to formulate all our products free of T.A.C.C., being certified according to current standards. This is how we can ensure safe medications for the celiac community and the treating medical team.